Further public offer of 332,243,200 equity shares of Re. 1 each (The "Offer Shares") of NMDC Limited ("NMDC" or "Our Company" or "The Company") through an offer for sale by the President of India, acting through the ministry of steel, government of india (The "Selling Shareholder") for cash at prices determined through the alternate book building method under part D of schedule XI of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (issue of capital and disclosure requirements) regulations, 2009, as amended (The "SEBI regulations") aggregating Rs. 9967.30 crores (The "Offer"). The Offer comprises a Net Offer to the public of 330,500,000 equity shares (The "Net Offer") and a reservation of 1,743,200 equity shares for purchase by eligible employees (the "employee reservation portion"). The offer shall constitute 8.38% of the post offer paid-up equity share capital of the company.
The Offer Price: Rs 300 per Equity Share of Face Valye of Rs 1 each.
The Offer Price is 300 times of the face value
A Discount of 5% to the offer price determined pursuant to the completion of the book building process shall be offered to retail individual bidders and eligible employees ("Retail and Employee Discount"). The Excess amount paid at the time of bidding shall be refunded to the retail individual bidders and eligible employees.
Bids Can be made for a minimum of 20 Equity Shares and in mutiples of 20 Equity Shares thereafter. |