IPO Synopsis

MIC Electronics Ltd
Registered Office: Plot No 192/B Phase-II,IDA Cherlapally,Hyderabad-500051, Telangana
Tel. No:
Fax No:
Email: cs@mic.co.in
Website: www.mic.co.in
Public issue of 51,00,000 equity shares of Rs. 10 each for cash at a price of Rs.150/- per equity share aggregating to Rs.76.50 crores, ("issue") comprising a fresh issue of 51,00,000 equity shares of Rs.10 each by MIC Electronics Limited ("company" or "issuer"). The issue would constitute 25.34 % of our fully diluted post issue paid-up equity capital. Issue Price is Rs.150/- per equity share of face value Rs.10/- The Issue price is 15 times of the face value
Issue Money Payable On
Opens On Closes On Application Allotment
30-Apr-2007 08-May-2007 ₹150.00 - 0.00 ₹0.00 - 0.00
Minimum Application for shares in Nos : 45 Further Multiples of :45
(₹ Cr) Lead Managers to the Issue
Project Cost 0.00 Edelweiss Capital Ltd
Project Financed through Current Offer 76.50
Post Issue Equity Share Capital 20.13
Issue Price 150.00
Setting-up Addl.Facility for Manuf. of LED Boards
LED Video display sys. to be used for rental/Leasi
Products Up-gradation/Development
Design & Development of 3D Stereoscopic Displays
Market Development - Domestic & Overseas
Acquisition of Infostep Inc, USA
Augment working Capital requirements
Promoted By
Maganti Venkata Ramana Rao
Listing At
Registrar To The Issue