IPO Synopsis

Registered Office: BEML Soudha 23/1 IVth Main,PB No 2769 Sampangiramanagar,Bangalore-560027, Karnataka
Tel. No: 91-080-22963142/211
Fax No: 91-080-22963142
Email: cs@beml.co.in
Website: www.bemlindia.in
Public issue of 49,00,000 equity shares of Rs. 10/- each for cash at a price of Rs.1075/- per equity share aggregating Rs.526.75 Crores (the "issue"), including a reservation for eligible employees of 4,90,000 equity shares (the "employee reservation portion") and a net issue to the public of 44,10,000 equity shares (the "net issue") by Bharat Earth Movers Limited ("company"/"issuer"). The issue would constitute 11.77% of the fully diluted post issue paid-up equity capital of our company. Issue Price is Rs.1075/- per equity share of face value Rs.10/- The issue price is 107.5 times of the face value
Issue Money Payable On
Opens On Closes On Application Allotment
27-Jun-2007 03-Jul-2007 ₹1,075.00 - 0.00 ₹0.00 - 0.00
Minimum Application for shares in Nos : 5 Further Multiples of :5
(₹ Cr) Lead Managers to the Issue
Project Cost 0.00 ICICI Securities Primary Dealership Ltd
Project Financed through Current Offer 526.75
Post Issue Equity Share Capital 41.77
Issue Price 1,075.00
Expansion of Metro Coach Manuf. Fcaility
Cap. Expend. Incl. updgradation of current Facilit
Voluntary Retirement Scheme (VRS) for Employees
Setting up of 5 MW Wind Mill for Cap. Consumption
Contrb.for Setting up R&D Centre for Metro Coaches
General Corporate Purposes
Promoted By
President of India
Listing At
Registrar To The Issue