IPO Synopsis

Anmol Industries Ltd
Registered Office: 229 AJC BoseRd Unit 3A,B,C,D,Crescent Tower 3rd Floor,Kolkata-700020, West Bengal
Tel. No: 91-33-2280 1277/78
Fax No:
Email: investors@anmolindustries.com
Website: www.anmolindustries.com
Initial public offering of up to (*) equity shares of face value of Rs.10 each ("equity shares") of Anmol Industries Limited (the "company") for cash at a price of Rs.(*) per equity share aggregating up to Rs.750 Crores(the "offer") through an offer for sale of up to (*) equity shares by Baijnath Choudhary & family trust, represented through its trustees (the "promoter selling shareholder") aggregating up to Rs.720.40 Crores up to (*) equity shares by Skg Land Developers LLP aggregating up to Rs.22.50 Crores up to (*) equity shares by Delta Nirman LLP aggregating up to Rs.4 Crores up to (*) equity shares by anmol hi-cool llp aggregating up to Rs.25.00 Croresand up to (*) equity shares by Puneet Mercantiles LLP aggregating up to Rs.0.60 Crores(collectively, the "non-promoter selling shareholders" and along with the promoter selling shareholder, the "selling shareholders"). The offer would constitute (*) % of the post-offer paid-up equity share capital. The face value of equity shares is Rs.10 each. The price band and minimum bid lot will be decided by the company.
Issue Money Payable On
Opens On Closes On Application Allotment
01-Jan-1970 01-Jan-1970 ₹0.00 - 0.00 ₹0.00 - 0.00
Minimum Application for shares in Nos : 0 Further Multiples of :0
(₹ Cr) Lead Managers to the Issue
Project Cost 0.00 Edelweiss Financial Services Ltd
Project Financed through Current Offer 0.00 ICICI Securities Ltd
Post Issue Equity Share Capital 61.79 Motilal Oswal Investment Advisors Ltd
Issue Price 0.00
Listing of Shares on the Stock Exchanges
Promoted By
Bimal Kumar Choudhary
Gobind Ram Choudhary
Biswanth Choudhary
Listing At
Registrar To The Issue