IPO Synopsis

L T Foods Ltd
Registered Office: Unit No 134 1st Fl Rectangle-1,Saket District Centre,New Delhi-110017, New Delhi
Tel. No: 91-011-26857099
Fax No: 91-011-26859344
Email: ir@ltgroup.in
Website: www.ltgroup.in
Public issue of 70,35,714 equity shares of Rs. 10 each for cash at a price of Rs.56/- per equity share aggregating Rs.39.40 Crores (the "issue") by L.T. Overseas Limited ("LTOL" or "the company" or "the issuer"). The issue comprises of reservation of 3,90,000 equity shares aggregating Rs.2.18 Crores for permanent employees (employee reservation portion) on a competitive basis and the "net issue to public" of 66,45,714 equity shares aggregating Rs.37.22 Crores. The issue would constitute 29.84% of the fully diluted post-issue paid up capital of the company. Issue Price Rs.56/- per equity share of face value of Rs. 10 each. The issue Price is 5.6 times the face value.
Issue Money Payable On
Opens On Closes On Application Allotment
27-Nov-2006 30-Nov-2006 ₹56.00 - 0.00 ₹0.00 - 0.00
Minimum Application for shares in Nos : 125 Further Multiples of :125
(₹ Cr) Lead Managers to the Issue
Project Cost 0.00 IL&FS Investsmart Ltd
Project Financed through Current Offer 39.40 UTI Securities Ltd
Post Issue Equity Share Capital 22.27
Issue Price 56.00
To set-up new Parboiled Rice Proc. & Milling Cap.
To set-up new milling line for prod.value add Rice
To Add Bal. Equipments&Automation of Existing Faci
To Set up Silos and Flat Storage Facility
Generating Power for Captive Consumption
General Corporate Purpose
Promoted By
Vijay Kumar Arora
Ashwani Arora
Surinder Arora
Listing At
Registrar To The Issue