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Economy - Reports

Government of India invites proposals for setting up CoE for research and development on green hydrogen

07-Nov-24    10:53

The Government of India has invited Proposals for setting up Centres of Excellence (CoE) under Research and Development (R&D) Scheme of National Green Hydrogen Mission. The objective is to establish world-class Centres of Excellence for Green Hydrogen in India to foster innovation, promote sustainability, thereby enhancing energy independence in the long term. These CoEs will accelerate the transition to a low-carbon economy by advancing Green Hydrogen production, storage, and utilization technologies. The National Green Hydrogen Mission was launched on 4th January 2023, with an outlay of Rs. 19,744 crores up to FY 2029-30. It will contribute to India's goal to become Aatma Nirbhar (self-reliant) through clean energy and serve as an inspiration for the global Clean Energy transition. The Mission will lead to significant decarbonization of the economy, reduced dependence on fossil fuel imports, and enable India to assume technology and market leadership in Green Hydrogen.

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