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Cabinet approves PM-Vidyalaxmi scheme to provide financial support to meritorious students

06-Nov-24    17:51

The Union Cabinet, chaired by Prime Minister has approved PM Vidyalaxmi, a new Central Sector scheme that seeks to provide financial support to meritorious students so that financial constraints do not prevent anyone from pursuing higher studies. PM Vidyalaxmi is another key initiative stemming out of the National Education Policy, 2020, which had recommended that financial assistance should be made available to meritorious students through various measures in both public and private HEIs. Under the PM Vidyalaxmi scheme, any student who gets admission in quality Higher Education Institution (QHEIs) will be eligible to get collateral free, guarantor free loan from banks and financial institutions to cover full amount of tuition fees and other expenses related to the course. The scheme will be administered through a simple, transparent and student-friendly system that will be inter-operable and entirely digital.

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