IPO Synopsis

Tijaria Polypipes Ltd
Registered Office: A-130(E) Road No 9D,Vishwakarma Industrial Area,Jaipur-302013, Rajasthan
Tel. No:
Fax No:
Email: ipo@tijaria-pipes.com; investors@tijaria-pipes.com
Website: www.tijaria-pipes.com
Public issue of 1,00,00,000 equity shares of Rs. 10/- each issued for cash at a premium of Rs. 50 per equity share i.e. at a price of Rs. 60 per equity share aggregating to Rs. 60.00 crores ("The Issue" or "The Net Issue") by Tijaria Polypipes Limited ("The Company" or "The Issuer"). The face value of the share is Rs. 10/- each and the issue price is 6(Six) times of the face value. The issue to the public will constitute 42.33% of the fully diluted post-issue equity share capital of the company. The issue is being made in terms of Regulation 26 (1) of SEBI (ICDR) Regulations, 2009
Issue Money Payable On
Opens On Closes On Application Allotment
27-Sep-2011 29-Sep-2011 ₹60.00 - 0.00 ₹0.00 - 0.00
Minimum Application for shares in Nos : 100 Further Multiples of :100
(₹ Cr) Lead Managers to the Issue
Project Cost 108.52 Hem Securities Ltd
Project Financed through Current Offer 60.00
Post Issue Equity Share Capital 23.63
Issue Price 60.00
Implementation of the company's expansion cum div.
Meeting pre-operative expenses
Provision for contingencies
Provide working capital margin
Promoted By
Alok Jain Tijaria
Vikas Jain Tijaria
Praveen Jain Tijaria
Listing At
Registrar To The Issue